Yes. Let our team know and we will provide a discount on the outfit removing the stitching fees added. Stitching fee varies product to product.

Yes all the handwork products on our website can be customised to any color. Customization of size is also possible. When you checkout using Custom Size option our team will contact you and guide you to take proper measurements.

Yes we can make exact replica of any designer outfit you saw on internet. Please note that the cost of products depends on the amount of work, and flare. Eg. Most of the original designer lehengas that are above 5 Lakhs we can make it in the range of 70k+. Please WhatsApp us the design and we will send you the exact quotation.

Shipment of our products is available worldwide. However on our website currently we offer services for India, USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Dubai, UAE, Mauritius, Fiji, Switzerland. If you want delivery in any country apart from these countries, you can contact us through WhatsApp.
Please note, we do not ship to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal due to customs and trade restrictions.

We use Industry leaders in Logistics to fulfill your shipments that fulfill all the other Ecommerce companies namely Fedex, DHL, DTDC, Aramax.

Against each product, a delivery time estimate is provided. We try to deliver your products as soon as possible. Handwork products usually takes 30-60 days of time. Shipping takes 5-10 days within India and 10-15 days internationally.

All our products are handwork and are to be made on order basis as per your measurements. Hence we can’t accept returns, refunds and exchanges of any of our products.

UPI, Master Card, Visa Debit or Credit card. You can also send money directly to our bank account if that is more faceable to you. To initiate payment directly to our bank account, please WhatsApp us with the product image screenshot, and we will take your order post discussion.

You can WhatsApp us using the WhatsApp option on this page or you can email us at [email protected].

We will provide you tracking details after we ship your order. Anyway one of our team member will remain constantly in touch with you on WhatsApp/Email(If WhatsApp is not available) after you place your order.

We will send you an email confirming the size and details. If you need a different size, please let us know within 48 hours of placing your order.

We do not. We are purely online.

At, we provide you the original photos and videos of the actual product. The products will be exactly how we show on our website. Though, camera does not capture the real beauty of the products. In actual our products are even more beautiful that what you see on pictures and videos.

Yes we can customise products to any measurements.

Yes. You can inform us if there is any change of route. If the product is not yet dispatched, we will be able to change the address. Please note in case if the product is already dispatched, we wont be able to change the address.
I am having trouble logging in.

Please WhatsApp us or send email to [email protected] one of us will be there to clear your problem.

It won’t be. Because we are going to do a Quality Check and send the information to you prior to shipment.

We never lost a product in shipment till date. We work with industry leading courier partners and ensure a safe delivery. But just incase, If it happens . We will refund your money back – 5% for the paypal charges after inspection by the courier partners. It might take upto 4 months (or) you can opt for a store credit as full refund.

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